Category: Manufacturing Business

Concerned supplier helps raise capital for steel wholesaler
Payments to key suppliers are crucial to the viability of any business, especially when suppliers and wholesalers account for the majority of a company’s turnover. But how does a business remain on good terms with a supplier when unable to keep up with their obligations?
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Structuring SME merger and acquisition deals
Hermes was recently approached to consider a Management Buyout of a strongly performing manufacturing business. Despite numerous concerns, Hermes was able to tailor a unique funding solution to help acquire and position an appreciation of the true value of the business.
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$600k facility backs successful business acquisition
The assets of a printing services/manufacturing business came onto the market after the business failed. The daughter of a well established printing proprietor became aware of the opportunity to acquire the assets and start a business of her own. She had grown up with printing and had a good network of industry contacts who could support her in her new venture.
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The nuances of re-capitalising businesses
A family held manufacturing business in Queensland that had been trading for over 20 years had decided to time had come to list. Its advisors and the business agreed the best opportunity to do so was via a “back door listing”.
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What happens when a joint-venture relationship goes downhill?
A long established manufacturing business struck cash flow problems when a joint venture it had entered into turned sour. On paper the JV had been a good idea – the JV partner had complimentary product lines and the same market. In practice however the two management teams were incompatible and the relationship turned sour.
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Overcoming difficulties with traditional financiers
An overseas based business decided to divest its Australian operations by selling its business to its local management team. The business was a manufacturing business operating in a profitable niche segment, but the size of the segment was considered too small by the overseas parent.
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