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Category: ATO

Mastering the Maze: A guide to Special Situations Finance – Part 4 Overcoming Credit Challenges

Through these articles, we aim to demystify the world of special situations financing and showcase how Hermes Capital uniquely supports SMEs (Small Medium Enterprise).

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ATO arrears not an issue for fleet expansion

Payments to key suppliers are crucial to the viability of any business, especially when suppliers and wholesalers account for the majority of a company’s turnover. But how does a business remain on good terms with a supplier when unable to keep up with their obligations?

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Clearing up a tax portal to get your finance deal done

An engineering business had accumulated a $1,050,000 tax debt as a result of rapid growth in the civil infrastructure sector. This became a problem when the client needed to show equipment lenders a clear portal for further equipment purchases that needed financing. Hermes reviewed the client’s debtors as well as their other available assets, including a number of unencumbered heavy equipment items and some property with second mortgage equity.

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$1.8m Capital Raising – A team of Professionals Approach

A regional transport business encountered a shortage of cashflow after they discovered that their accountant had not been correctly accounting to the ATO.

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Restructuring a Business with ATO Arrears

How does a mining services business (extraction optimisation) buy time time to restructure its cost base without entering into Voluntary Administrations?

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