Hermes TV – Lunch Money


Lunch Money is a fortnightly look at current Australian business finance issues and events, seen through the eyes of corporate and commercial “special situations”, “workout” and industry experts. We deliver tips and advice to SME’s across Australia.

Hosted by Hermes Director & Fund Manager Nicholas Samios. 

Our next livestream starts in:








Hermes TV Replay

Alternatively, you can watch episode highlights here.

Episode 78 - The 2022 Credit Radar
Aired on 13/12/2021



Patrick Schweizer

(Alares Systems)

Scott Langdon


Daren Anderson

(ERA Legal)

As 2021 gallops to a close, we give you the inside running for when we are off to the races in the new year. With the latest credit data on the ATO, wind-ups and insolvencies, we answer the big questions: what lies ahead and how far ahead does it lie?

Lunch Money’s Christmas Special is joined by friends of the show, Daren Anderson (Managing Director at ERA Legal), Scott Langdon (Partner at KordaMentha) and Patrick Schweizer (Credit Data Guru and Director at Alares Systems). 

Episode 77 - The Capital Raising Paradox: Deal Resistance when Money is Cheap & Abundant
Aired on 29/11/2021



Arthur Psaltis 

(VMG Capital)

Andrew Clark 

(Danforth Finance and Insurance)

Australia’s post-Covid economic revival is starting and won’t wait for anyone. The demand for fresh capital is increasing as money remains cheap and (thanks to near zero interest rates) abundant. Then why the deal resistance and difficulty raising capital?

Our guests this week to help get you ahead of the curve are; Arthur Psaltis (Managing Director at VMG Capital) and; Andrew Clark, CLFP (Managing Director at CAFBA’s Broker Firm of the Year – Danforth Finance & Insurance). They both brought a combined 36 years of experience in corporate finance, asset purchase, capital raising and strategic financial advice to Lunch Money.

Episode 76 - Supply Chain Armageddon!
Aired on 15/11/2021



 John Phillips 





Supply chains dominate business conversations everywhere today. From central bankers around the world blaming supply chains for “transitory inflation” to local shopkeepers lamenting the scarcity of stock and builders in desperate need for materials.

What’s really going on? This week we go behind the curtain to speak with logistics and supply chain expert (and insider!), John Phillips (Logistics Manager ANZ at Kellogg’s).

With over 30 years of experience in operational management and distributions, John is your perfect guide to better understand the blockage and challenges faced by businesses trying to make the most of the economic recovery lauded this week by the nation’s treasurer.






Episode 75 - Fast and Curious 2: Legal Drift
Aired on 01/11/2021

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Ian Hyman

(Hymans Valuers and Auctioneers)

Richard Rohrt 

(Hamilton Murphy)



After an interruption to our originally planned broadcast, we are happy to re-invite you on a wild ride in a rare Ferrari Lusso!

With liquidator Richard Rohrt  (Partner at Hamilton Murphy) and Auctioneer Ian Hyman (CEO at Hymans Valuers and Auctioneers), we take on legal chicanes of invalid PPSR registrations, hairpin turns of asset disclamation and reclamation and other twists and turns that saw that same Ferrari being auctioned and contested. 






Episode 74 - Updates
Aired on 22/10/2021






This show was very brief! We are here with an announcement of a change in format for Lunch Money – plus a quick look at the Commissioner of Taxation’s Annual Report for 2021 which was released this week.
What are the latest stats on SME tax debt, how is the ATO managing that debt – and what does that mean for corporate restructuring in the near future?





Episode 73 - Who will go the Distance? Data Informed “Post-Covid” Outlooks by Industry
Aired on 15/10/2021



Gayle Dickerson


Ryan Eagle 




In a marathon to determine which industries will outrun Covid impacts, and which are more vulnerable to succumbing, Lunch Money takes a dive into the recent data and statistics to give you an expert guide.

We are very privileged to host two Partners from KPMG; Gayle Dickerson (Restructuring, Turnaround and Insolvency) and Ryan Eagle (Deal Advisory, Re-Structuring and Turnaround).

With Gayle and Ryan’s deep knowledge and experience to help interpret hard data researched by KPMG, this episode is a must watch!




Episode 72 - The Financial Spring Clean
Aired on 08/10/2021



Mark Robinson

(dVT Group)



With restrictions easing in South East Australia, what do SMEs and its owners need to do to get back to square?

To talk us through, we were joined by Mark Robinson who is a corporate restructuring and personal insolvency expert and Partner at dVT Group. He helped air out the mess left behind by lockdowns and deliver a guide in minimising the damage and maximising the opportunities.



Episode 71 - A Healthy Property Market?
Aired on 01/10/2021



Luke Egan

(Aster Alliance)

Josh Twelftree

(Essentia Property)


We took the temperature of the property market in Australia PLUS diagnosed the health and childcare sectors.

We were joined by special guests: distressed property expert Luke Egan (Director at Aster Alliance) and; child and healthcare sector specialist Josh Twelftree (Director at Essentia Property).



Episode 70 - Return Journey: The Great Comeback of Australia's Travel Industry
Aired on 24/09/2021



Tom Manwaring


Julie Reid 

(United Airlines)

Barbara Whitten

(Anywhere Travel)

Warren Lio


Get your boarding passes, check in and join us in the Lunch Money Business Lounge, as we take a look at Australia’s travel industry from an insiders perspective.

We are asking the industry hit hardest by the pandemic, what are their plans to get us back in the air – face to face with business colleagues in Australia and around the world? What government and banking measures are working, and how can they work better? What are the trends in the US and Europe that we might see in Australia?

We are joined by a first class panel of travel industry thought leaders: Tom Manwaring (Chairman at AFTA), Julie Reid (Director Australia, New Zealand and Tahiti Sales at United Airlines), Barbara Whitten (Managing Director at Anywhere Travel) and Warren Lio (Strategic Account Manager at Serko).



Episode 69 - The Winning Formula: Maintaining Unwavering Faith, Facing Brutal Reality
Aired on 17/09/2021



Mike House             

(Mike House)


The Stockdale Paradox, a learning from the Vietnam War, beckons the question – who survives and who succumbs? The answer lies in the harsh realities that blind faith often dismisses.
To talk more on this, we were joined by Mike House, who applied these learnings to leaders and business owners looking to navigate a 21st Century Pandemic in Australia.
Mike is a trusted 20 year veteran of survival instruction and change management. He is a speaker, facilitator and mentor who is also author of the book “(Un)shakeable – More than resilience”.



Episode 68 - “Unaccustomed as I am”: Impromptu Corporate Restructuring Catch-Up
Aired on 10/09/2021



Daren Anderson                (ERA Legal)

Sule Arnautovic                (Hall Chadwick)

An impromptu change of topic and guests has given way for an erudite discussion into the corporate restructuring industry with familiar faces.
We were joined by Daren Anderson (Managing Director at ERA Legal) and Sule Arnautovic (Partner at Hall Chadwick) who have guided us through changes in the industry and what to look out for.

Episode 67 - IPO & M&A Adventure Stories: First-Hand Tales of the Capital Raising Jungle
Aired on 03/09/2021



Stephen Moulton (DanaherMoulton)

Stephen Moulton joins Lunch Money  with fresh hands-on experience with the IPO of Silk Logistics Holdings Ltd (ASX:SLH). Stephen and the firm he chairs, DanaherMoulton, is also busy on both the buy and sell sides in an M&A market that is breaking records globally in 2021.

Stephen is the Corporate Advisory and Mergers & Acquisitions partner at his firm and will share insights from his recent deals, built on 30 years specialising in the legal profession.

Lunch Money is THE social media home for special situations, work-outs and capital raising professionals!

Episode 66 - Origin Stories: Breaking Away to Start Your Own Professional Services Firm
Aired on 27/08/2021



Tean Kerr                (Corporate Restructuring & Commercial Litigation Partner)

Simon Cathro              (Cathro & Partners)


What inspires a legal or accounting firm partner to pack-up their briefcase and hang out their own shingle – particularly in overwhelming times like these?

To answer that question, Lunch Money was joined by Tean Kerr (Corporate Restructuring and Commercial Litigation Partner) and Simon Cathro (Managing Partner at Cathro & Partners).

With a breadth of experience at big name companies under their belt, Tean and Simon talked us through the beginnings of their new story in breaking away to start their own firms. 

Episode 65 - Teaming Together, Teaming Apart: Achieving Team Victories in Uncertainty
Aired on 20/08/2021



Bernard Desmidt                  (Bernard Desmidt)


In a world where “post-uncertainty” and predictability remain fictional concepts, it is important, now more than ever, for teams to embrace not knowing what’s around the corner.

To talk us through how you and your team can embrace uncertainty, whilst not compromising cohesion to ensure winning efforts are maintained, we were joined by Bernard Desmidt.

Bernard is an accomplished coach, facilitator, trainer, speaker and author who will share how he has been helping executives and business leaders manage uncertainty to become high performing, smart teams.

Episode 64 - Restructuring & Enforcement State by State: Who’s Doing What, Where & How?
Aired on 13/08/2021



Hector West, Scott Butler, Mark Petrucco and David Dickens                                (Hall & Wilcox)


Corporate and personal insolvency, secured creditor enforcement and commercial litigation state by state: Four insolvency partners from law firm Hall & Wilcox joined us with insights and perspectives based on types of work currently crossing their desks.

Scott Butler (Brisbane), Mark Petrucco (Sydney), David Dickens (Melbourne) and Hector West (Perth) checked in with Lunch Money to share their local intel and unique capital city perspectives.

Episode 63 - The SME Decathlon: The Multidisciplinary Hurdles of SME Success
Aired on 06/08/2021



Michael Ford                (Castaway Forecasting)


The financial forecast – done honestly – reflects, in many ways, what a business is good at, what it can do better, and how well it understands the challenges and opportunities its market presents.

To coach us through these challenges, we are joined by Michael Ford, CEO at Castaway Forecasting. Michael shared his insights not only as a master of forecasting, but as an entrepreneur who has taken his own business on a journey from start-up to international expansion.







Episode 62 - Subbies & Their Cashflow: Winning Work, Not Losing Money
Aired on 30/07/2021



Anthony Igra                    (Contractors Debt Recovery)


Construction industry subbies around Australia are finding their job pipelines and margins under increasing pressure. In addition to the triple whammy of tighter lending, defect fiascos, and now Covid, in some lockdowns, they can’t even get on site!

What do subbies need to do to stay out of the red and to keep their cash flowing in these times?

To walk us through the answers is Anthony Igra, Founder and Director of Contractors Debt Recovery and host of the brand new podcast “Subbies Under Fire”.





Episode 61 - Where to Start? Orienting Your Capital Raise in the Latest Covid Maelstrom
Aired on 23/07/2021



Andrew Way                    (Semper)


It’s one thing to know what the objectives of a capital raise are, and how they fit in with the goals of the business. But, knowing where you are starting from in the midst of a storm is something else.

This episode on Lunch Money our guest was Andrew Way, Director at Semper. We combined data analysis with a little educated soothsaying to help special situations, work-outs and capital raising professionals find their bearings!





Episode 60 - Outsmarting Crooks and Con-Artists in Business and the Work-Place
Aired on 16/07/2021

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Wayne Gilbert                    (PKF Integrity Services)


Fraud has recently hit headlines again causing quite a stir, with sums reaching the hundreds of millions.

Our guest this episode was Wayne Gilbert, Principal at PKF Integrity Services, who is an expert in workplace investigation, fraud and corruption prevention and whistleblower hotlines. We will be talking about the folly of substituting the controls and safeguards that keep your money secure for the sentiment of “trust”.

We discussed topics from whistleblower hot-lines, Ponzi schemes, to trusted insider fraud and more.



Episode 59 - SMEs in 2021: From Pandemic Cannon Fodder to Champions of the New Economy
Aired on 09/07/2021

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Angela Vithoulkas                  (SME Tv and Podcasts)


SMEs Australia-wide have borne the brunt of the pandemic response – from lockdowns to border closures and other new red tape and restrictions. As the smoke starts to clear from the battlefield – what do SME owners need to focus on to restore their plans for creating wealth for their families?

Our guest this week is Angela Vithoulkas – business investor and Small Business Champion!

Angela is an Independent Councilor for the City of Sydney, Spokesperson for the SME Association of Australia and Founder/Host at SME TV and Podcasts.



Episode 58 - The Business Hero's Journey: From Micro to Small, Medium & Beyond!
Aired on 02/07/2021

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Dr Peter Ellis                       (Your Silent Partner)


How can a business owner navigate the challenges of business growth and make life changing discoveries of their own hidden talents along the way?

This episode our guest is Peter Ellis, business transformation researcher and Principal Consultant at Your Silent Partner:

Peter discussed new ways for business owners to navigate step changes in business size and the challenges at the personal and operational level they face along the way.



Episode 57 - Remote Influence: Managing, Motivating & Influencing by Wire
Aired on 25/06/2021

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Arabella Macpherson              (Resonate Communications)


Our guest this week is Arabella Macpherson, Communications Coach and Director at Resonate Communications. Arabella is a leadership and communications expert who currently teaches business leaders “intuitive leadership”, how to have “influential conversations” and to “present with presence”.

We look forward to hearing her timely insights into these areas as the East Coast of Australia, once again, closes its borders and contemplates more rounds of lockdowns.



Episode 56 - Done Deals: An Insiders Look at Current Non-Bank Credit Landscape
Aired on 18/06/2021

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Mark Hutchins                  (Secured Lending)


What’s going on “left of field” in the non-bank secured lending space?

We found out on this episode with Mark Hutchins (Partner at Secured Lending).



Episode 55 - Innovating B2B Marketing – For You & Your Special Situations Clients
Aired on 11/06/2021



James Tuckerman                  (B2B School and Anthill Magazine)


We discussed unique ways to market B2B to meet evolving client needs.

We are joined by special guest, James Tuckerman, who is a thought leader in entrepreneurship, start-ups and B2B Sales and Marketing. James is the founder of Anthill Magazine and Co-Founder of B2B School who shared his views and expertise.



Episode 54 - Calculating Credit Risk in 2021 – Not Just a Numbers Game
Aired on 04/06/2021



Nicolas Pilavidis                    (AICM)

Andrew Spring                    (Dye & Co)

With more to credit than you may think, calculating its risk is all the more difficult during these uncertain times. There is more at play than stats and figures, so this week we will uncover ways businesses can effectively perform risk assessment.

We are joined by the CEO of the Australian Institute of Credit Management (AICM), Nick Pilavidis and corporate restructuring expert Andrew Spring (Jirsch Sutherland). We will discuss the AICMs recent Annual Risk Report and what it means for business supplying other businesses trade credit.


Episode 53 - Turnarounds in Words and Numbers: Safe Harbour, Reputation Repair & More!
Aired on 28/05/2021



Holly Reynolds                      (Left Field Communication)

Shane Deane                      (Dye & Co)

Stakeholder management is at the heart of all successful business turnarounds and the focus of this weeks Lunch Money with insights from hands on practitioners.

Our guests are business restructuring and Safe Harbour expert, Shane Deane (Director at Dye & Co), and communications, issues management and reputation repair expert, Holly Reynolds (Managing Director at Left Field Communications).

Episode 52 - Budget 2021: A Users Guide for SME Advisors
Aired on 14/05/2021



David Gandolfo          (CAFBA)

Gino Malacco                    (Hall Chadwick)

Budget 2021 left us with a lot of questions – this Friday we are looking for the answers! We will analyse and breakdown the budget to help you understand the ins and outs of where the rubber hits the road. 

We are joined by special guests David Gandolfo (Chair of Advocacy at CAFBA) and Gino Malacco (Tax Partner at Hall Chadwick).

Episode 51 - A Step Ahead of Uncertainty
Aired on 07/05/2021



Patrick Schweizer          (Alares Systems)

Bruce Passeti              (Stratos Legal)


Wanting to know how to stay ahead of the curve? Join us this week to discuss ways you can better prepare and weather times of uncertainty.

Sharing their thoughts on the matter are special guests Patrick Schweizer (Director at Alares Systems) and Bruce Pasetti (Director at Stratos Legal).

Episode 50 - Are The New Small Business Restructuring Changes and Safe Harbour Working?
Aired on 30/04/2021


Guests Topic

Kathy Sozou

Michael Sloan

There have been only nine appointments of SME “Restructuring Practitioners” since the schemes inception. Are the qualifiers for this regime too narrow? And at the bigger end of town – what are the personal risks NEDs are facing with the end of Job Keeper as collection activity ramps up?
To mark our 50th episode, we are joined by special guests Kathy Sozou (Partner at McGrathNicol) and Michael Sloan (Partner at Ashurst), who will be answering these questions.
Episode 49 - Trends in commercial property and commercial property debt management
Aired on 23/04/2021


Guests Topic

Luke Egan 
(Aster Alliance)

Matthew Meynell
(Colliers International AU)

What are the trends in commercial property right now how are banks approaching the management of distressed commercial property debt? On Lunch Money this week – special guests Luke Egan (Director at Aster Alliance), and Matthew Meynell (Head of Investment Services at Colliers International Australia) will share their insights.

Episode 48 - Heavy metal! Trends in mining, civil, transport & other heavy industries
Aired on 16/04/2021

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Guests Topic

James Slattery
(Slattery Auctions)

Robert Grul
(G&H Financial)

Find out how asset prices are trending and how finance is flowing in these industries on Lunch Money this week – special guests Robert Grul (Broker Manager at G & H Financial), and James Slattery (Executive Director at Slattery Auctions) share their insights. Lunch Money is THE social media home for special situations, work-outs and capital raising professionals!
Episode 47 - The End of Job Keeper - but the wind-ups are back!
Aired on 09/04/2021

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Guests Topic

David Mansfield

Daren Anderson
(ERA Legal)

Find out which businesses will be the worst affected with the end of Job Keeper on Lunch Money this week, where special guests David Mansfield (Partner at Deloitte), and Daren Anderson (Managing Director at ERA Legal) share their insights. Lunch Money is THE social media home for special situations, work-outs and capital raising professionals!
Episode 46 - For the win: Goal scoring with Start-ups
Aired on 26/03/2021


Guests Topic
Gino Marra
(Macarthur FC, Marra Capital)
Nick Hitchens
(Hitch Advisory)

Join the “goal-scoring” with startups discussion on Lunch Money this week, where special guests Gino Marra (Chairman of new A-League club, Macarthur FC, and Director at Marra Capital), and experienced legal advisor Nick Hitchens (Principal at Hitch Advisory) share their insights.

Episode 45 - Aviation industry insights
Aired on 19/03/2021


Guests Topic
David Crick
(DavAir Group)

Sebastian Hams

This week on Lunch Money, the spotlight is on aviation industry insights – what can we learn about the aviation sector today, and what can the industry teach us about where business in Australia is at more broadly right now?

Join host Nick Samios as he discusses with special guests David Crick (Managing Director at DavAir Group) and Sebastian Hams (Partner at KordaMentha).

Episode 44 - Supply chain finance and the pub with no beer!
Aired on 12/03/2021


Guests Topic
Barry Lau
(Constellation Capital)

Darryl Kirk
(Cor Cordis)

Supply chain finance and the pub with no beer! Plus, how do non-banks and restructuring professionals compete with a government selling free loans? Join host Nick Samios as he puts the question to special guests Barry Lau (Managing Director at Constellation Capital) and Darryl Kirk (Partner at Cor Cordis).

Episode 43 - A seller's market?
Aired on 05/03/2021


Guests Topic
Andrew Cassin
(Succession Plus)

Matt Adams
(DCI Group)

This week, we take a look at the SME and lower-middle market M & A activity, with Andrew Cassin (Partner at Succession Plus) and Matt Adams (Managing Director at Dynamic Corporate Investments).

Episode 42 - Small Business 2021: What’s going well, and what could go better?
Aired on 26/02/2021


Guests Topic
Louisa Sijabat

Matthew Atkin
(Atlas Broker/CAFBA)

Join host Nick Samios as he chats with Louisa Sijabat (Director at Vincents) and Matthew Atkin (Managing Director at Atlas Broker, President at CAFBA) on small business in 2021 – what’s going well, and what could go better?

Episode 41 - The First 100 Days of the Turnaround CEO
Aired on 19/02/2021


Guests Topic
Michael Milward
(Milward Doran)

Neil Cussen
(Cor Cordis)

What do you need to prioritise when you are engaged as a turnaround chief executive? Nick Samios was joined by special guests to discuss.

PLUS a look at the latest corporate restructuring and capital raising headlines.

Episode 40 - Insolvency from a macro point-of-view
Aired on 12/02/2021


Guests Topic
Warren Hogan
(EQ Economics)
Never mind the death of insolvencies over the past 12 months – insolvencies have collapsed in Australia over the past 5 YEARS, in line with global trends. Nick and special guests discuss on this week’s Lunch Money.
Episode 39 - Right-sizing business assets in transition
Aired on 05/02/2021


Guests Topic
Ian Hyman OAM
(Hyman’s Valuers & Auctioneers)

Marcus Derwin
(R Cubed Group)

This week’s focus is on tips for “right-sizing business assets in transition”. Plus, a look at the latest corporate restructuring and capital raising headlines.
Episode 38 - What to do when your largest customer enters insolvency?
Aired on 29/01/2021


Guests Topic
Sule Arnautovic
(Hall Chadwick)

Aaron McDonald
(Pragma Legal)

Imagine that you are a business owner who has woken up to find that their largest client has appointed administrators – what now? Plus, a look at the latest corporate restructuring and capital raising headlines.

Episode 37 - What's noise and what matters?
Aired on 04/12/2020


Guests Topic
Stephen Hathway
(Helm Advisory)

Daren Anderson
(ERA Legal)

Restructuring in 2021: what’s just noise, and what demands our attention?

This week, host Nick Samios is joined by special guests to share insights on how to “cut through the noise” in 2021.

Episode 36 - When M & A and corporate restructuring collide
Aired on 27/11/2020


Guests Topic
Richard Hughes

Tean Kerr
(Lander & Rogers)

Two narratives dominate the corporate landscape heading into 2021: the “insolvency cliff”, and “money on the sidelines”. Corporate distress will be up – its just a question of by how much.

And with official interest rates approaching zero, funds bursting with cash are yield hungry and looking for opportunities – what happens when these two narratives intersect?

Episode 35 - Asking: What's Risky?
Aired on 20/11/2020


Guests Topic
Peter McAtamney
(Wine Business Solutions)

Tony Sykes
(General Insurance Brokers Australia, GIBA)

Looking into the crystal ball of insurance markets – what’s on the cards for the near future? When insurers pull cover on risk categories or industry segments, we should ask: what do they know that we don’t?

Plus, a look at the current wine industry. It is a manufacturing, exporting, agricultural and marketing business all rolled into one – what successful strategies are transferable to other industries? What are the developments in Australian import/export markets?

Episode 34 - Getting the right "Talent Stack" for 2021
Aired on 13/11/2020


Guests Topic
Alex Wilcox
(Human Solutions Group)

Liam Bailey
(O’Brien Palmer)

Your “talent stack” is the unique combination of normal skills that make you extraordinary and valuable to the market.

Covid has given us new ways of working, new challenges and a rotten economy. Competition will be stiff – for the best jobs, the best deals, and when pitching for capital. Being able to demonstrate you have the right talent stack is going to be critical moving forward.

What’s your “talent stack” going into 2021? If you are building your professional services/ finance career – or planning on pitching to raise capital for a business deal or to land a whale – do you have the goods?

Episode 33 - Ignore the mainstream spin: what’s the economy REALLY going to do 2021?
Aired on 06/11/2020


Guests Topic
Martin North
(Digital Finance Analytics)

An economic twilight zone is upon us. The RBA says we are out of recession. Corporate insolvencies have declined sharply. Yet unemployment is up sharply year on year, and the RBA has seen the need to set official interest rates at historical lows.

Something is seriously amiss, and the explanations we are receiving from our politicians and mainstream economists do not sit right.

This week, we have social media’s go to economics analyst and philosopher – Principal of Digital Finance Analytics, Martin North, who will share his recent consumer and SME research and set this in the context of current monetary policy and future expectations. He says we need to stand back and really understand what is going on…

Episode 32 - The case for a December middle-market corporate restructuring spike
Aired on 30/10/2020


Guests Topic
Ginette Muller
(Hall Chadwick)

Warren Jiear
(HWL Ebsworth)

The temporary COVID-19 safe harbour defence for directors from civil insolvent trading liability expires on the 31st of December. Ditto the temporary changes to the compliance period for statutory demand and bankruptcy notices.

But what does that mean exactly? Must the directors of an insolvent business place the company into external administration before 31/12 in order to benefit from these protections?

There are opposing views in the corporate restructuring community as to what the law says, what the law intends, and what is best for the broader business community.

Does it even matter to SME owners who are “all in” one way or the other? What about middle-market firms where professional directors have everything to lose?

• What will safe harbour look like in the 2021 – and what strategies should businesses start adopting now in preparation?
• How should “good companies” protecting themselves from “zombie” contagion assuming there is a “wall of insolvencies” coming?
• What will the role of voluntary administrator be in 2021?

Episode 31 - Australian Manufacturing Redux: who to champion, and how to fund them
Aired on 23/10/2020


Guests Topic
David Gandolfo
(CAFBA, Quantum Business Finance)

Gary Tescher

Tony Sykes
(General Insurance Brokers Australia)

This week, Nicholas Samios is joined by special guests to discuss financing the capital equipment needed to ramp up the manufacturing sector. What are the challenges for brokers & their clients? Where do the opportunities lie? Tune in to find out! We also had a special appearance from Tony Sykes (Owner of General Insurance Brokers Australia) as he shared insights from his recent article “How to Protect Your Manufacturing Business from These Important Risks”.
Episode 30 - Property Development Funding and Corporate Restructuring De-Brief
Aired on 16/10/2020


Guests Topic
Michael Corcoran
(Solido Development Finance)

Ryan Eagle

Nicholas Brownbill
(JP Equity Partners)

Lunch Money is on it’s 30th episode!

This week, property development and corporate restructuring are in the spotlight, with special “Diggers & Dealers” insights straight from the waiting lounge at Perth Airport!

Episode 29 - Messing with Markets
Aired on 09/10/2020


Guests Topic
Dr. Paul Mazzola
(University of Wollongong)

Ian Hyman
(Hymans Valuers & Auctioneers)

So far, this year, the Covid crisis has given us interest rates heading for zero and anomalies in asset pricing: from used cars, to luxury property and…stocks? 

How does money printing and near-zero interest rates affect the fundamentals of corporate finance – debt vs. equity and business valuations? Why are luxury properties selling like hot-cakes, and why are used car values so high?

This week, we put these questions to our expert guest panel – tune in to find out more!

Episode 28 - Is It Insane to Start a Business During Coronavirus?
Aired on 02/10/2020


Guests Topic
Paul Nicoloau
(Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry)

Steven Phelan
(Fayetteville State University)

With unemployment projected to reach crisis levels – can self-employment be part of the solution?

This week, our guest panellists share their insights on “boot-strapping” – starting a business with little or no capital. Is there an alternative to welfare? Should the government find ways to better encourage start-ups and encouraging job-creation?

Episode 27 - Family Ties: exploring challenges faced by family businesses in 2020
Aired on 25/09/2020


Guests Topic
Sally Nicholes
(Nicholes Family Lawyers)

Mark Robinson
(dVT Group)

Family businesses are often riven with entitlement and rivalries at the best of time – how are they coping under the extraordinary health and economic pressures brought by 2020?

Is the family a burden in these trying times, or bulwark against forces that might otherwise bring the business asunder?

How are family businesses dealing with challenges the Covid-19 economy has brought to intergenerational wealth and succession planning?

This week, our guest panellists Sally Nicholes (Nicholes Family Lawyers) and Mark Robinson (de Vries Tayeh) share their insights.

Episode 26 - Asset-based debt alternatives in 2020
Aired on 18/09/2020


Guests Topic
Stephen Mitchell
(Resicom Group & Oak Capital)

Lina Kolomoitseva
(Litigation Capital Management)

How are companies navigating the challenges of capital raising to get them through special situations in this Covid-19 recession? What role are asset based lenders playing in making capital available?

Uncertainty, debt moratoriums and government financial support packages abound, making the money business challenging on both sides of the desk.

This week our guest panelists give us front-line perspectives

Episode 25 - If you build it, will they pay?
Aired on 11/09/2020


Guests Topic
Anthony Igra
(Contractors Debt Recovery)

Michael Caspaney
(Menzies Advisory)

Payment shenanigans, phoenix activity and insolvency: sub-contractors in the construction and civil engineering industries have always been particularly vulnerable to all three. What are the special problems they are facing today given the nations lock-downs, closed borders, insolvent trading moratorium and tightened credit conditions?
Episode 24 - Chapter 11, UK style pre-packs, or leave well enough alone?
Aired on 04/09/2020


Guests Topic
Carl Gunther
(TMA Australia)

Paul Apathy
(Herbert Smith Freehills)

A surge of corporate collapses is anticipated in Australia when government assistance and debt moratoriums end. So, the government is revisiting the rules of the game – and features of the US-style Chapter 11 are said to be on the table.

Considering, shouldn’t we also be looking at the way “pre-packs” are done in the UK? Or is our current system of Voluntary Administration and Safe Harbour working just fine?

Episode 23 - Firing up manufacturing in Australia
Aired on 28/08/2020


Guests Topic
Todd Alder
(Orbital UAV)

Jason Skinner
(JP Equity Partners)

What does it take to be a successful Australian manufacturer in 2020?

We put this question to Todd Alder, CEO of Orbital UAV (ASX: OEC) – the Australian world-leading designer and manufacturer of engines for tactical drones. Todd was Joined by Jason Skinner, Managing Director of corporate advisors JP Equity.

2020 has alerted Australians to two strategic challenges – a depleted manufacturing sector, and growing challenges for our regional defence as relations between our biggest trading partners become fractious.

Episode 22 - Managing C-Suite Talent in Special Situations
Aired on 21/08/2020


Guests Topic
Deanne Tindale
(DreamVast Executive Search)

Bryan Hughes
(Pitcher Partners)

How do you build a team in the face of adversity – deciding who stays, who gets sidelined and how to find and make the right draft picks?

Join host Nick Samios and special guests Deanne Tindale (CEO, DreamVast Executive Search) and Bryan Hughes (Executive Chairman, Pitcher Partners) as they discuss managing executive talent in special situations companies.

Episode 21 - Rain-making in the new world
Aired on 14/08/2020


Guests Topic
David Kenney
(Hall Chadwick)

Adam Benson
(Outsource, Recognition PR)

In our “professional services” businesses, we rely on referrals. These come from personal relationships – often built over time via face to face meetings, lunches, coffees etc.

In the new world however, face-to-face meetings are not always possible. We need to adapt and get smart about the way we create value and win new business if we are going to become (or remain) rain-makers!

Join host Nick Samios and special guests as they explore the challenges of communicating and building trust when the stakes are high, but when meeting face-to-face is not an option.

Episode 20 - Surviving lockdown 2.0 & powering recovery
Aired on 07/08/2020


Guests Topic
Nicholas Martin

Brendan Wyhoon
(William James Law)

Lunch Money is the weekly livestream and podcast where “special situations” and commercial finance experts give insights into their professional lives, where the opportunities are in shifting markets for business advisors and their clients, plus their take on the weeks news.

This week on Lunch Money, host Nick Samios was joined by special guests to discuss surviving lockdown 2.0, powering recovery and the mountain of deferred loans continue.

Episode 19 - Government, the banks and COVID-19: a half-time analysis
Aired on 31/07/2020


Guests Topic
David Gandolfo

Scott Langdon

It’s time for some Covid-19 “half-time analysis”. Has the collective response of our governments and the banks to Covid got the structure right – or have they dropped the ball? Should the government intervene in business more, or should they just put the whistle away and let business be business?

This week, on Lunch Money, host Nick Samios is joined by special guests to discuss:

– the SME Guarantee scheme (with respect to lending)
– instant asset write-offs & bank loan deferrals;
– the suspension of insolvent trading and changes to statutory demands
– PLUS newly announced extensions and changes to these policies

Episode 18 - Parachuting into a corporate maelstrom
Aired on 24/07/2020


Guests Topic
Daniel Woodhouse
(FTI Consulting)

Bernard Desmidt

Business restructures and turnarounds require the corporate advisor to lead disparate groups of stakeholders with competing interests to the singular objective of saving the business – in these times of unprecedented levels of uncertainty. Senior management, staff, bankers, suppliers, regulators and more all need to “buy-in” for the turnaround project to succeed.

Lunch Money this week explores unique leadership challenges with insights from host Nick Samios and special guest panellists.

Episode 17 - Resilience: staying strong when things don’t go to plan
Aired on 17/07/2020


Guests Topic
Arabella Macpherson
(Resonate Communications)

Ian Hyman
(Hyman’s Valuers & Auctioneers)

2020 has asked of us to fight one battle after another – how do we build the resilience necessary to maintain enthusiasm and to win out in the end?

How do we garner “resilience” so we can lead ourselves and others in times of uncertainty and adversity? We discuss this week with guests and field specialists.

Episode 16 - The "Retail Apocalypse" and the cost of capital
Aired on 10/07/2020


Guests Topic
Sule Arnautovic
(Jirsch Sutherland)

Gary Blom
(Main Street Capital)

The role of private equity in the retail sector is again under the spotlight following another retail giant collapse last week. What are the lessons for investors, lenders and suppliers to the retail sector – and beyond?

This week, the focus is on the spate of private equity backed retail collapses with our guests and field specialists.

Episode 15 - Pivoting business models and forecasting into the unknown
Aired on 03/07/2020


Guests Topic
Michael Ford
(Castaway Forecasting)

Jamie Holroyd

How can a business see around corners when it sets about the task of forecasting? Challenging indeed as we launch into a new financial year of uncertainty. And how can a business successfully pivot – changing its business model and strategy in the face of dramatically shifting buyer behaviours and economic conditions?

Lunch Money is the weekly livestream and podcast where “special situations” and commercial finance experts give insights into their professional lives, where the opportunities are in shifting markets for business advisors and their clients, plus their take on the weeks news.

This week, the focus is on forecasting/seeing around corners and the business pivot with our guest field specialists.

Episode 14 - Staying solvent and credit worthy
Aired on 26/06/2020


Guests Topic
Ginette Muller
(Hall Chadwick)

Hector West
(Hall & Wilcox)

The focus this week is on preparing for the next phase of the “Covid Recession”. In September, JobKeeper ends, and deferred loan repayments become due again. At the same time business owners will no longer be quarantined from the threats of insolvent trading and business wind-up through statutory demands.

There will be economic stimulus by governments at all levels – but business owners will need to keep the financial support of their bankers and trade suppliers if they are going to go beyond survival and make the most of the opportunities that arise.

Our panel this week features Ginette Muller – Hall Chadwick Partner and “Safe Harbour” specialist together with restructuring lawyer Hector West (Hall & Wilcox). We will ask Ginette and Hector what measures business owners can take to preserve their business fire power and gain the trust of their bankers and suppliers in order to survive the long hall and ensure a return to prosperity.

Episode 13 - Strategic intel for commercial finance and corporate restructuring
Aired on 19/06/2020


Guests Topic
Travis Dix

Sharon Taylor
(Property Performance Advisory)

Nicholas Martin

What is “Strategic Intelligence”?

“Intelligence that is required for the formulation of strategy, policy, and military plans and …”
– Pentagon Official Definition

“The better the strategic intelligence, the better the strategy”
– Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

“Lunch Money” is the weekly livestream and podcast where work-out, special situations and commercial finance experts give us insights into their professional lives, where the opportunities are in market for finance and investment, and their take on the weeks news. This week, the focus is on “strategic intel” with our guests and field specialists.

Episode 12 - Special situations funding and business restructuring
Aired on 12/06/2020


Guests Topic
Neil Cussen

Alison Robertson
(HWL Ebsworth Lawyers)

Mark Jason
(LINK Business Broking)

Join us as work-out, special situations and commercial finance experts give us insights into their professional lives, where the opportunities are in market for finance and investment, and their take on the weeks news. 

This week, on Lunch Money, Nick Samios is joined by corporate restructuring expert, an insolvency and securities enforcement expert along with an experienced authority on business sales – back so soon by popular demand!

Episode 11 - Follow the money!
Aired on 05/06/2020


Guests Topic
David Kenney
(Hall Chadwick)

Daren Anderson
(ERA Legal)

Justin Doobov
(Intelligent Finance)

“Follow the money” – a tried and tested tactic for on-track punters in days gone by and the theme for this week’s edition of Lunch Money.

Nick Samios is joined by a commercial insolvency and litigation expert, and entrepreneurial accountant, mentor and strategic business advisor along with an award-winning mortgage finance specialist. Tune in to find out what has been keeping our guests busy and for their reading of the latest form as we review the weeks business and finance news headlines.

Episode 10 - Transacting business sales in 2020
Aired on 29/05/2020


Guests Topic
Arnie Narayan
(Travancore Legal & Advisory)

Mark Jason
(LINK Business Brokers)

This week on Lunch Money, we examine the challenges of buying and selling businesses in the current environment, as well as the impact of this weeks news on corporate restructuring and capital raising in special situations.

Join Hermes Director & Fund Manager Nicholas Samios as he engages with a South Australian corporate restructuring and business turnaround icon along with experienced authority on selling businesses to explore the current business landscape.
Episode 9 - A mining services insider catch-up
Aired on 22/05/2020


Guests Topic
Mark Robinson
(dVT Group)

David Osman
(Acid Plant Management Services)

Sarina Jackson
(Douros Jackson)

Four industry “insiders” and experts review mining services, commercial finance, corporate restructuring and the latest news impacting “special situations” and business generally in Australia.

18 years combined serving in the Navy, 10 years in the restaurant game, and 12 years jumping in and out of tanks filled with hot sulphuric acid – that’s just a tiny bit about our guests on Lunch Money this week.
Episode 8 - A physician, a company doctor and a fund manager walk into a wine bar…
Aired on 15/05/2020


Guests Topic
Dr. John Cummins
(Executive Medicine)

Carl Gunther
(Turnaround Management Association Australia)

Peter McAtamney
(Wine Business Solutions)

A physician, a company doctor and a fund manager walk into a wine bar – well, not quite. This week, Hermes Fund Manager Nicholas Samios is joined by guest panellists to talk about rebooting – both businesses and personal health – and to give their perspectives on this week’s developments.
Episode 7 - Intelicare: an IPO in the COVID-19 age
Aired on 08/05/2020


Guests Topic
Jason Waller

Scott Taylor
(Taylor David Lawyers)

Join Director & Fund Manager Nick Samios as he chats with special guests about capital raising during a pandemic, and their upcoming IPO in the Covid-19 age.
Episode 6 - Contentious capital raising and corporate insolvency
Aired on 01/05/2020


Guests Topic
Daniel Woodhouse
(FTI Consulting)

Angelina Kozary
(Piper Alderman)

Stuart Craig

Join guest panellists and host Nicholas Samios as they explore contentious capital raising and corporate insolvency – including the recent insovency of Virgin Australia.
Episode 5 - Strategic head-hunting, finance broking & doing deals
Aired on 24/04/2020


Guests Topic
Glen Triebel
(Human Solutions Group)

David Gandolfo

Aaron McDonald
(Pragma Legal)

Join guest panellists & Director Nick Samios to explore strategic head hunting, commercial finance broking, and doing deals – M & A’s and corporate restructurings – in the COVID-19 age.
Episode 4 - Surviving and thriving in the COVID-19 business landscape
Aired on 17/04/2020


Guests Topic
Anthony Igra
(Contractors Debt Recovery)

Angela Haynes

Adam Benson
(Outsource PR)

Join Nick Samios and special guests as they discuss surviving and thriving in the Covid-19 business landscape.
Episode 3 - Meeting challenges head-on!
Aired on 09/04/2020


Guests Topic
Jamie Holroyd

Brendan Wyhoon
(William James)

Sule Arnautovic
(Jirsch Sutherland)

Tune in for Episode 3 of our lunchtime Q & A livestream series, as we glean tips and insights on how businesses in Australia can meet the challenges of COVID-19 from our experienced guest panellists.
Episode 2 - Navigating the "elegant dismount"
Aired on 03/04/2020


Guests Topic
Scott Langdon

Patrick Symons
(Hyman’s Valuer’s and Auctioneers)

Daren Anderson
(ERA Legal)

Join us for Episode 2 of our Lunch Q & A series as Managing Director Nicholas Samios and experienced guest panel discuss the current COVID-19 crisis and what it means for the SME landscape from legal, valuation and insolvency standpoints.
Episode 1 - Securing the Perimeter
Aired on 31/03/2020


Guests Topic
Travis Dix
Join Director Nicholas Samios and special guest as they discuss how SME’s can navigate the COVID-19 situation and how to “Secure the Perimeter” for small businesses through debtor collections and insurance.